Manitoba Trophy Fishing

Manitoba Trophy Fishing

Trophy Northern Pike Fishing

Northern Pike is one of the most common and widely found fish in Manitoba. Northern Pike are a favorite with our anglers for the fast strikes, the relative size and the strong fight these fish put on for our fishing clientele. Pike can be caught from the shore or through the use of our boats on the Winnipeg river. Northern Pike are active voracious feeders and extremely predatory. Big Pike are opportunistic carnivores that feed primarily on other fish including Perch, Drum, small Suckers, Walleye and even other small Northern Pike. Bring heavy metal spoons like the Canadian, Daredevil, Five Diamonds and heavy leaders for your Manitoba Pike fishing.

Trophy Walleye Fishing

The Walleye is the largest member of the Perch family, and can weigh over 20 lbs. The size, hard fight and tasty table fare make this fish one of the most sought after game fish in Manitoba. The Winnipeg River offers a significant population of Walleye and these fish provide the best meal that you will have while in Canada. Walleye are present year round and we can assist you in your selection of the right walleye jigs and bait needed to bring these fish to net.
Manitoba Trophy Fishing
Manitoba Trophy Fishing

Trophy Smallmouth Bass Fishing

Smallmouth bass in the rivers of Manitoba have become a dominant predator, feeding on other fish, crustaceans and large aquatic and terrestrial insects. Smallmouth bass spawn in late May and Early June during the Spring bear season and these fish offer great adventure for our anglers. Before spawn and post-spawn, lures that look like minnows are extremely effective. During mid-June to mid-August, use lures that mimic crustaceans. In the early morning and late evening hours, Smallmouths will readily pursue top-water baits and the action can be just what your craving.

Manitoba Trophy Fishing
Lodge Packages

Sandy River Outfitters offers year round fishing-only packages at our lodge on the banks of the Winnipeg River and we offer fishing to all of our Spring and Fall bear hunters as a part of your hunting package. We hope you bring your rod and reel and join us on the water!! Contact our team to create a package that fits your desires for an exceptional trophy Manitoba fishing vacation.

Email us at for more information.

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Sandy River Outfitters